Monday 14 October 2024


 This week we wrote about what we are thankful for and we drew and painted Thanksgiving turkeys.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Orange Shirt Day

We spent the day on Friday learning more about Orange Shirt Day. Each student made an Every Child Matters poster. They each wrote a word or several words about what makes them special and unique.

I had each student write their special word on a small strip of orange paper to make a paper chain. The paper chain serves as a visual representation showing how important and special each person is as an individual and how we are all connected.

Apple Week

 We had a great week learning all about the apple life cycle. We read books, wrote journal entries, did experiments, counted and graphed, taste-tested and made apple pie! These kids know a lot.  I am very impressed.

Our taste test results: Green Granny Smith apples were the clear winner!

We aren't quite finished with our Apple unit yet.  We have one more experiment and an art project lined up for next week.

Big thank you to Miss. V  (former Moutview teacher) drove up from Calgary for the day to help us with our pies.

Star of the Week -Tyler

 Tyler was our first Star of The Week!  He did a fantastic job and we loved learning more about him!  Way to go, Tyler.

Math Games

 We have been busy learning lots of math games to practice. We are strengthening number sense by matching dots on the dice to the numeral representing the number.

Here are images from the games: Pete The Cat Roll and Cover and Wipe Out.