Thursday 20 December 2018

Polar Express Day

The bell still rings for those who Truly believe.  What a magical day!

Students wore their pyjamas today for Polar Express day. We read the story and watched the movie.  While watching the movie we enjoyed hot chocolate, marshmallows and a candy cane. 
Close to the end of the day, we received a VERY COLD special delivery from the North Pole.  The package was filled with bells. 
We could all hear the bells ring! 
So much fun.

Sunday 16 December 2018

Christmas Readers

On Friday it was Christmas sweater day and also we had guests come to read their favourite Christmas stories to us.  Netty even made an appearance in our room.  We love his Christmas sweater! Thank you to our guests for sharing their stories with us.

Santa art

Wow, I am so impressed with these pastel Santas. Way to go 3S.

Another Flat Stanley

Victoria's Flat Stanley arrived from Nanaimo this week.  This was exciting for Victoria, but also for me because Nanaimo is my hometown.

Celebrations Around The World

Last week we took a "trip" around the world!  We "visited" Peru, Ukraine, India and Tunisia.  We sampled food, learned a bit about their culture and did a craft.  What a fun day.

Rudolph art & The Gift Of Kindness challenge

Check out these adorable Rudolph painting.

The Gift Of Kindness challenge. 

Each day a new gift is uncovered and a new kindness challenge is revealed!  Our classroom Elf reminds us to be kind every day.

Christmas concert night

So fun to see everyone dressed up!

Soil Samples

We completed a "Soil Sample" experiment in science.  Students investigated what different soil is made up of. Students looked at samples of potting soil.  peat moss and sand.