Saturday 17 October 2015

Scarecrow Stories and The Author's Chair

October 16th

For the last two weeks the students have been working on writing stories about a scarecrow.  The scarecrow story had to have a clear beginning, middle and end.  And the scarecrow had to have some sort of problem in the middle of the story that had to be solved by the end of the story.  This was our first attempt so they are very short stories, but I think they did a great job.

For inspiration we first listened to/read a couple of scarecrow stories, including:

Click for a Goodreads summary

Click here for a Goodreads summary

Then we brainstormed a list of problems a scarecrow could encounter.  Afterwards the students wrote their own stories.

With the stories now complete, each student has the opportunity to sit in the "Author's Chair" and read the class their finished story.  Here are a few pictures of our authors.  Everyone will have a turn (if they wish)...more pics to come.

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